Blue Ridge PRISM Quarterly Meetings

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Blue Ridge PRISM Quarterly Meetings are free and open to everyone. Each meeting offers a short update on PRISM activities followed by guest speaker(s) or panel discussion on an invasive plant topic. Meetings are held during the Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall.

Find Past Events on Blue Ridge PRISM’s YouTube Channel

Native Plants for Your Landscape – April 16, 2024

We welcomed Peggy Singlemann, one of the foremost gardening experts in the nation, as our speaker. Peggy is currently the host and co-producer of “Virginia Home Grown,” a VPM/PBS program. She served as Director of Horticulture for the Maymont Foundation for more than 38 years, and upon her retirement was awarded the title of Director Emeritus of Horticulture. During our event, Peggy discussed native plant options for your properties and landscapes.

A recording of this presentation is not available due to the speaker’s preference. Thanks for your understanding.

Restoring the American Chestnut to the 21st Century Forest – November 1, 2023

We welcomed John Scrivani as our speaker. His full presentation title is “Restoring the American Chestnut to the 21st-Century Forest: Fire Suppression, Forest Mesophication, Climate Change, and Invasive Species”

The mission of the American Chestnut Foundation is “to return the iconic American chestnut to its native range” with a vision of “a robust eastern forest restored to its splendor.” Making progress in this mission and achieving this vision requires a close examination of how the land has changed, how the climate has changed, how human impact on the land has changed, how the suite of forest species has changed, and how these species interact with the land, with the climate, with human intervention, and with each other. This talk will include a discussion of the role of invasive species, including pathogens of the chestnut, and plant competitors.

These Are Not Your Grandpa’s Quail: Modern Quail Habitat Management – July 19, 2023

The northern bobwhite aka bobwhite quail (Colinus virginianus) is the only quail native to eastern North America. We hear its call much less often now because of a steep decline in the bobwhite quail population, mostly due to habitat loss.

Marc Puckett will discuss the bobwhite quail and how to manage its habitat in multiple scenarios so that these birds can thrive. Marc is the Small Game Projects Leader and Private Lands Biologist Manager for the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources.

All About Callery Pear – April 19, 2023

Callery pear is one of the most rapidly spreading invasive plants in the eastern United States and often stems from cultivars of ornamental pears (most commonly the Bradford pear). Doug Tallamy calls the Callery pear one of the worst threats to our forests.

Dr. David Coyle (Clemson University) will take us through the history of Callery pear, how and why it got to the United States, and its current infestation status. He will talk about the applied research he’s done to demonstrate ecological impacts as well as discuss some management strategies that do (and do not) work to mitigate and manage its spread.

Winter Activities for Invasive Plant Control – January 11, 2023

Winter is a great time to tackle invasive plants! In this interactive webinar, learn about safe and effective winter control methods and find out which plants can be treated now or should be left alone for later.

Panel Members:
Laura Greenleaf – Invasive Plant Management Coordinator, James River Park System
Nicola McGoff – Director, Wild Ginger Field Services
Nicole Shuman – Agriculture & Natural Resources Agent, Virginia Cooperative Extension

Find Past Events on Blue Ridge PRISM’s YouTube Channel